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Announcing Our New Student Liaison


Scholarship Foundation of the Pacific Recent News

Announcing Our New Student Liaison

SSC Administrator

We are proud to announce the addition of former SFotP Scholarship recipient Rhea Botel as our new student liaison!

Rhea Botel was the recipient of the Scholarship in 2014, when the scholarship was still sending students to Hawaii. She spent 4 years enjoying life in Honolulu, and completed her Bachelor of Elementary Education, graduating with honors in 2018. Following graduation, Rhea spent some additional time in the US, before eventually heading back to Haida Gwaii to work at West Coast Fishing Club in the summer of 2019. While she had only intended to spend the summer working on Haida Gwaii, COVID led her back home for a more permanent stay. Upon moving home full time, Rhea took on the position of K-2 teacher at Living & Learning School in Daajing Giids. She worked there for two wonderful years, before moving into her current position as Marine Engagement Coordinator for the Council of the Haida Nation. 

Having been a recipient of the scholarship and a teacher, Rhea has now decided to take on the role of Student Liaison for the Scholarship Foundation of the Pacific. She hopes that through this position, she can inform the youth of the amazing opportunity that this scholarship provides, and support them in pursuing this opportunity. 

2014 SFotP Scholarship recipient Rhea Botel.