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Eric Terryberry

My name is Eric Terryberry and I am the grateful recipient of the 2010 Fernandez Earle Scholarship. I’m going to be attending Hawaii Pacific University in September to get my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. This is such a great opportunity for me to reach my goal as a travelling nurse. I will travel to remote areas around British Columbia and contribute as much as I can to these small areas. This also gives me the chance to become a great ambassador for the island.

This scholarship means the world to me and gives me such a huge opportunity to pursue my dreams. Without the scholarship I wouldn’t get the chance to travel to an amazing University and receive a major in nursing without coming out of school with major debt. I can’t even explain how much this means to my family and I. I would like to give a huge thanks to the Fernandez Earle Scholarship Foundation and all the donors’ part of it that gave me the opening to this great opportunity.