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Elijah Gladstone

Elijah Gladstone

Elijah Gladstone


I am so grateful for the incredible educational opportunity that has been provided to me by the Scholarship Foundation of the Pacific. I am amazed that volunteers from different parts of the world work together each year to raise funds for a graduating Haida Gwaii secondary student to obtain a full university degree. This opportunity means a lot to me and it has set a clear path for me to follow in order to pursue my future goals. Knowing that I could work towards this scholarship has motivated me to focus on my studies and to work hard throughout my time at highschool.

I am really looking forward to attending Simon Fraser University this coming September to start my degree in Biology. Once that is completed, I plan to go back to Haida Gwaii to work as a marine or terrestrial biologist, or perhaps continue my education and get a degree in law. Whichever career path I choose, I will ultimately return to Haida Gwaii and work to help protect our unique ecosystems. One of my main goals is to ensure that our populations of salmon stay at sustainable numbers. Salmon provide so much for the people of Haida Gwaii as a food source and as an important part of our economy and culture.

This scholarship will allow me to focus my efforts in the next four years on my education and will take away any financial pressures. I will proudly represent the Scholarship Foundation of the Pacific as best as I possibly can, as well as my family, my clan the Stawaas XaaydaGaay, Skidegate, and Haida Gwaii. Haawa for providing this generous opportunity!


Elijah Gladstone