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Meghan Deagle

I still remember so clearly the day that I found out I was going to be given the chance of a lifetime to attend a university in Hawaii to pursue my otherwise out of reach dreams. During the course of these past eight years, much like the Foundation, I have grown and matured and accomplished feats that once seemed impossible. For example, in December of 2006 I graduated with honors from the University of Hawaii with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology, something I certainly could not have achieved without the generosity and loving support of the family and friends of both Kane Fernandez and Roger Earle.

It is amazing how the legacies of these two great men have grown over the years and how they continue to reach out and touch the lives of others, changing them for the better. I for one have transformed significantly since that day all those years ago, and I could not even imagine how my life may be today had I not been given such an incredible opportunity. The education provided to me through the Foundation not only came from professors in classrooms but also through the life experiences it created.

I’ve learned independence and responsibility, I’ve become a more worldly individual and I’ve realized how much of an impact a single person can generate when they possess a kind and generous heart. If one day I can create even a fraction of the impact you all have made on me I would consider my life a booming success. I do dream of someday furthering my education with a master’s degree, but one day at a time. No matter where the road ahead may lead me, I will always have all of you to thank for starting me on my way to such a glorious place. I will never forget my time in Hawaii, and am forever indebted to you.