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About the Scholarship Foundation of the Pacific

About US

Incorporated in 2001 we began as a charitable foundation registered with the Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency. The Board of Directors is entirely volunteer driven. It is led by a 7 member Board of Directors. Our Board has extensive business backgrounds in the areas of real estate, the automotive industry, banking, tourism and law. 

Executive Director, Canada 

  • Beverley Kniffen

Board of Directors, Canada 

  • Melissa Rogers, Chairperson

  • Richard Bourne, Vice-chairperson

  • Reta Rea, Secretary

  • Evelyn Lacson, Treasurer

  • Jim Hawse, Trustee

  • Sylvan Daugert, Trustee

  • Jacob Bourne, Trustee

  • Suz Lopez, Trustee

Background Information

The Foundation was originally created to honour the memory of two individuals: Kane Fernandez and Roger Earle. The Foundation is registered in Canada and is developing new partnerships to strengthen isolated coastal communities through education.